February 8, 2025

Gary Owen Cashion

Biography of Gary Owen Cashion

Gary Cashion was born in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, on the 28th July 1950.

His service in Vietnam included:-

1 Australian Reinforcement Unit, from the 3rd September 1969 to the 23rd September 1969
5th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, from the 24th September 1969 to the 9th February 1970
7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, from the 10th February 1970 until his death on 16th June 1970

… in Vietnam …

The evening of the 16th June was, in the words of Private Merv Hains, “one of the worst nights I have ever experienced”.
There were frequent and violent lightening strikes during a stormy evening. About 500m north of Lo Voi, in one of those
unfortunate freaks of nature, one bolt struck an armoured personel carrier antenna which Private Gary Cashion of
D Company was leaning against. Private Cashion died that evening as a result of his injuries.

His grave is within the Cornelian Bay Cemetery in Tasmania and is located in Section CL (Grave 179) in the Church of England area.


 Detail compiled by ‘Doc’ Russell, SA

2 thoughts on “Gary Owen Cashion

  1. I served with Gary in 5 RAR’s second tour 69-70, he was my number two on the gun. For anyone who’s interested there is a photo of Gary (with me on ops) at the AWM. The photo reference number is: WAR/70/0100/VN………Best regards Laurie Carroll

  2. I was in the same Reo batch as Gary,I also went to Delta 5,but in 12 pl., I also was attached to a Machine Gunner (Stuey Morgan) to be clued-up. I was also then posted to Delta Seven 10 pl. when they arrived. One night at “the Horseshoe”, we were on sentry on ? Alpha Gun.with a huge 50 cal, neither of us were familiar with it, so using initiative Gary grabbed his section M60. In the pitch dark we quietly had a good yarn. He confided that he had a girlfriend.that he was going to marry & that both their parents were buying them a house, he just had to get home.(Though I have to say that when I related this to one of his brothers he could not recall Gary having a girlfriend..) .
    I also remember we found a large bunker system ( later destroyed in huge aerial bombardment, supposed to be the most expensive of our war, & we “assaulted” a huge pile of fallen trees, & an unexploded bomb/shell, a funny story.) When we first entered the system Gary I was amazed when Gary actually noticed even in shade, three pins,protuding from the ground, he turned to me& said ” I’m too “short” for that !
    When we were at NDP Isa on the edge of the ?Long Hais, our depleted 10 pl. was halved to two patrols led by pl.Cmdr & Pl Sgt (Pete Riddett) & I became Sgt’s Sig. Then we were asked who wanted to be on the Bn 18th ARVN training Team at the “Shoe” (I do have photo proof in the War Memorial records).I gave Gary the Sig-set,& for years I felt responsible as it would be a conductor. I think Merv says Gary did’nt have a set. which made me feel a bit better, even considering i was nice & dry while our blokes were in such a feirce electrical storm ( I heard fire-balls were rolling down the mountains).
    I didn’t go to Delta & Reunions,untill “Nixy” chased a few of us “MIAs” up for his Tahree Reunion, Then I did the Adelaide Bn both Tours Reunion, next Merv’s Tableland’s Reunion (very significant in our WW2 history (My uncle trained there for Kokoda).Then Nelson Bay recently with “Fred” & team, great location! &Naval History. Now my mate Chris Lee says next year for the 50th we’re.off to the “Sunshine Coast early in the year, who says retirement’s boring,not when you’ve got some real fair dinkum mates!

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