July 27, 2024

National Memorial Walk

The Royal Australian Regiment National Memorial Walk is located at Gallipoli Barracks, Enoggera Queensland. The Memorial is open to the public via the Lloyd Street entrance to the Barracks. As the Barracks is a restricted place entry is by a visitor’s pass obtained at the Main Gate Security Office. Note that photo identification is required



Dad’s Army

(Where everyone is of the same rank)

A dedicated group of ex-servicemen attend every Monday morning from 7:30 am to about 10:30 am to cut grass, rake leaves, spread mulch, clear drains and trim more that 1,000 trees and hedges and other innumerable tasks.

Visitors to Brisbane are welcome to join the group at any of these work activities which is followed by a BBQ or morning tea that is well appreciated by all and provides time for fellowship and mutual support

Dad’s Army

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