January 14, 2025

The Gordon Highlanders

7 RAR’s Affiliated Regiment


Igordonsn 1969, the Adjutant, Captain Derek Napier suggested to Lt Col Grey that an affiliation with the Gordon Highlanders might be desirable. It was no coincidence that Napier had previously served with them. The Commanding Officer agreed and set the wheels in motion.


After all approvals had been given on both sides of the world, two ceremonies in 1976 in Aberdeen, the Regimental Headquarters, celebrated its realization. By then Brigadier Grey was the Australian Army Representative in London and WO1 Reg Bandy was the RSM at Australia House


The Gordon Highlanders was a British Army infantry regiment from 1881 until 1994. The regiment took its name from the Clan Gordon and recruited principally from Aberdeen and the North-East of Scotland. The Regiment was amalgamated with The Queens’ Own Highlanders (Seaforth and Camerons) on September 17, 1994 to form The Highlanders (Seaforth, Gordons and Camerons).

royalscottishIn 2006, The Highlanders were merged with Scotland’s other remaining infantry regiments to form The Royal Regiment of Scotland.


Further details can be found in  Conscripts and Regulars: with the Seventh Battalion in Vietnam.

4 thoughts on “The Gordon Highlanders

  1. I have two large books about the battalion in Vietnam, along with others by Porky Vets.
    I have recently purchased an ex Army Kilt, that I would like to display in my exhibition, but I have not been able to identify the Australia Battalion that used it. Can you let me know what happened to our band, is it still going etc. If not is any items from it for sale, Bagpipes, Sporrans, Sox etc.


    GS Bridgland 423365

  2. Hello I have a Marching pole with a silver top and crown and this used by a friend who Marched with the Gordon Highlanders if anyone would like it

    1. gosh I “thought” I had replied but now know the way I replied was WRONG – my father served in the Gordon Highlanders 1919 to 1926 (Sgt) before migrating to Aust. so if the item is still available I am interested . 0431 672 001

  3. I may be a bit wee late however if still available I would welcome such an item. My Father was A Gordon Highlander 1919-1926 reaching the rank of Sgt wherein he migrated here to Perth.

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