July 27, 2024

Porky’s People Book

From Tony Keech

Details for buying the “Porky’s People” book.

The book should be ready for posting in July.  Cost is $200 per book. Members please note, when paying quote your membership number as the ANZ Bank do not allow you to insert your name.

When you have paid please email me on porky_seven@bigpond.com 

If you don’t have an email address then ring or message me on 0418 624 211


If you order more than one book they will be sent one at a time due to the weight of each book.  When ordering make sure you identify each book address

If you have any questions then contact Tony on his email or mobile (see above for details)

Where to deposit your payment

Bank:  ANZ

BSB: 012 429

Acct: 190140003

Cost: $200 per book


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