July 27, 2024

All Day Long…

In 1968 an Australian infantry company assaulted a Vietnamese bunker complex in a three-day battle. Yet it passed unacknowledged in Australia, and the men were insulted by command’s failure to recognise their courage. Gerard Windsor’s All Day Long the Noise of Battle looks at the men’s strengths and weaknesses, their alliances and tensions, their morale, their reactions to combat, their stand-out characters and their leaders. And throughout, the book becomes an essay on the nature of men’s memory of battle.

Windsor brings a fiction writer’s eye to this tragic episode. Full of memorable personalities Windsor’s book is seminal and moving.


The book is available at the ABC Bookshop

1 thought on “All Day Long…

  1. will be seeking out this book next time I go to book shop,hope it is about 7rar C coy bunker action in which Lt Moloney was denied a valid Victoria Cross for setting the benchmark for the new age warrior leader with his skillful use of modern armaments,ROCKETRY,Lt Moloney’s actions in this battle are normally only seen in hollywood movies,have not come across anyone else yet who did what Lt Moloney did,let alone survive,hope that is what book is about,it long overdue story the australian people need to be made aware of

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