December 21, 2024

Gen R.A.Grey, DSO, MID

57011 Lieutenant Colonel Ronald Alwyn GREY

Distinguished Service Order (DSO)

Lieutenant Colonel Ronald Grey graduated from the Royal Military College on 12 December 1951 and was allotted to the Royal Australian Infantry. After a number of staff and regimental appointments both in Australia and overseas, he was appointed on 25 November 1968 as Commanding Officer, 7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment and arrived in Vietnam on 23 February 1970.


Lieutenant Colonel Grey has commanded his Battalion with distinction during its tour of duty in Vietnam. His tactical application together with his personal knowledge of the capacity of his officers, junior leaders and his soldiers, have enabled him to gain the maximum result from his force at all times.


From 3 August 1970 until 10 September 1970, Lieutenant Colonel Grey’s Battalion was engaged in Operation Cung Chung II in Southern Phuoc Tuy Province. Lieutenant Colonel Grey’s skilful and tenacious handling of the force in all areas allotted to him caused the enemy to lose control of the population centres in the 7th Battalion area.


Following a sub?unit contact on 30 December 1970, Lieutenant Colonel Grey rapidly redeployed elements of his force to cover probable enemy withdrawal routes. This timely action together with his knowledge of the enemy, the terrain and his force’s capabilities subsequently caused a major defeat to be inflicted on an enemy unit from which it is unlikely to recover for some time.


His tireless energy, devotion to duty, personal courage and tactical skill have shown him to be an outstanding Commander and his leadership of the Battalion has been in the highest tradition of his Regiment and the Australian Army.



Extract from: Vietnam Veterans Honours and Awards by Alexander M Palmer

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