October 21, 2024

LtCol McCammon, DSM and Bar

mccammon2Lieutenant Colonel David McCammon attended OCS (NZ) in 1997, graduating to the Royal Australian Infantry Corps. His first posting was to 5/7RAR (Mech) where he commanded both a Rifle and Recon Platoon. During this time Lieutenant Colonel McCammon took part in the redeployment of 5/7 RAR (Mech) to Darwin and also deployed as part of INTERFET in Sep 1999. During his deployment to East Timor, Lieutenant Colonel McCammon’s Platoon was re-assigned to Response Force and conducted independent operations within Oecussi. For his service in East Timor Lieutenant Colonel McCammon was awarded a Commander Australian Theatre Commendation for Outstanding leadership on Operations.

From 2000-2003, Lieutenant Colonel McCammon served with the British Army serving with the Staffordshire Regiment, an Armoured Infantry Battalion. During this time he served as a Coy 2IC, OC Mortar platoon and deployed to Kosovo as the OC of the Brigade Surveillance Platoon. In 2004 Lieutenant Colonel McCammon was posted to HQTC-A where he served as the Staff Officer to the Chief of Staff. After completing a year at HQTC-A Lieutenant Colonel McCammon was posted to CTC-L where he served both within the Operations cell and as an Observer Trainer. In 2007 Lieutenant Colonel McCammon served as Aide de Camp to the Chief of Army.

Lieutenant Colonel McCammon was selected to Command  B Company, 7 RAR in Jan 2008. After the reorganisation of 7 RAR for its MRTF commitment Lieutenant Colonel McCammon became the commander of Australia’s first Operational Mentor and Liaison Team (OMLT) deploying to Afghanistan in Sep 2008-Jul 2009. On return to Australia Lieutenant Colonel McCammon was posted as the S3 of 7 RAR. Lieutenant Colonel McCammon was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for leadership in action while OC OMLT in the Australia Day Honours list in Jan 2010. For his service in support of Police Mentoring within the Chora district of Afghanistan, Lieutenant Colonel McCammon was awarded the United States Army Commendation Medal. In Sep 2012 Lieutenant Colonel McCammon again deployed to Afghanistan for 11 months as a Future Operations Planner at Regional Command South, for his service he was awarded a United States Army Bronze Star.

His most recent appointments include Brigade Major of the Army’s 1st Brigade from Jan 2011 to Oct 2012 taking part in HAMEL 2012, SO1 Combat in Future Force Development Army Headquarters and a secondment to the Force Structure Review Team in 2014.

Lieutenant Colonel McCammon completed Australian Command and Staff College (ACSC) in 2010, and took part in an exchange to Pakistan’s Command and Staff College (Quetta). After returning from Afghanistan in 2012, Lieutenant Colonel McCammon worked as a National Security Fellow at the McCain Institute in Washington DC. Lieutenant Colonel McCammon holds a Bachelor’s Degree, a Master of Arts in International Relations, a Graduate Diploma of Strategy in Defence Studies and a graduate of the Centre for Defence research Apollo course on Future War Analysis.

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