February 8, 2025

Milton R. Dufty

Biography of Milton R. Dufty

Milton Dufty was born in Kempsey, in the state of New South Wales, Australia, on the 5th September 1948.

He was a National Serviceman.

His service in Vietnam included:-

1 Australian Reinforcement Unit, from the 18th March 1970 to the 30th March 1970
6th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, from the 1st April 1970 to the 13th May 1970
7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, from the 14th May 1970 to the 15th January 1971

… the fatal action in Vietnam …

At last light on 15 January a lie–up ambush of 5 Platoon B Company, led by Corporal ‘Rusty’ Hollings, situated 1 km south–east of the Dinh Co monastery at the base of Nui Da Dung, ambushed a group of twenty enemy. The enemy group approached from the south and were very well camouflaged. Two enemy were killed and six wounded. In the vigorous exchange of fire, Private Milton Dufty died of a gunshot wound he received to his chest. Corporal Hollings received fragment wounds to his left shoulder and Corporal Graham Roberts sustained fragment wounds to his left arm and the bridge of his nose. Lance Corporal John Costello sustained a minor wound to his buttocks. Corporal Hollings commended the bravery of Private Tony Krantis, the platoon medic who, exposing himself to fire, worked desperately to save Private Dufty. As the casualties were being Dusted–off, the enemy rejoined battle. This was short lived as the Commanding Officer flew over the contact in the direct support Possum. Since the lie–up position was compromised, armoured personnel carriers were used to extract the patrol and to return the two wounded soldiers for treatment. One of the enemy killed was identified as the commander of the Long Dat District Proselytising Section.


His grave (L1 – 18) is within the  Kempsey West Cemetery in New South Wales and is located in the Church of England area.

The Kempsey Shire Council (in the mid north eastern coast of the state of New South Wales) has included Milton in it’s ‘streets of honour’


Details compiled by ‘Doc’ Russell, SA.  Details and pic of street name by Gavin Rodie and Don Robertson

3 thoughts on “Milton R. Dufty

  1. I was born and bred in Kempsey NSW and served my two years as a Nasho In the RAR at the School Of Infantry Ingleburn. I have given several talks to the legacy ladies and the Australian Women’s Army Service at Kempsey. It was at these meetings I met Milton’s sister and first learnt of his death. Milton’s sister is a very lovely lady and his family are good Australians, quiet in nature, generous and good citizens. I was reminded of Milton’s sacrifice as I am preparing to go to Kempsey again to give talks in the area. I simply wanted to say to his sister and family that we have not forgotten Milton’s sacrifice and hope that this gives them some help. To the late Milton Duffy my grateful thanks for your ultimate sacrifice and I remember you and visit your grave every time I go back to Kempsey as many of my relatives are also buried in the same cemetary. 

    I waited for 8 months in Reo Wing at Ingleburn NSW to go to vietnam as a rifleman and it was not pleasant to see my mates in our platoon gradually disapear in bits and pieces (I was the last one left) until I was finally posted as a clerk at Ingleburn in Tactics Wing. Every day I wondered if this would be the day I got the call to pack and go. I believe I did perform a valuable task as a clerk in an elite section at Ingleburn but it was not the same. I have felt it my duty to write and self publish books on National Service so that the truth may not be lost. I have just finished Part two of the 13th at Ingleburn (1955-1959) and i give talks to schools as well as working at the museum at The Ingleburn Military Heritage Precinct.  

  2. I Peter Atkins and John Costello were great mates in Vietnam. Cos has since passed. We could never forget Mutti as we called him!

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