October 15, 2024

7RAR was formed at Puckapunyal, Victoria on 1 Sep, 1965 as a part of the Australian Army’s build up for the Vietnam War. The Battalion subsequently served twice in Phuouc Tuy Province, South Vietnam.

The first tour was from April 1967 and the second from February 1970.

Both tours lasted approximately 12 months and during this time 7RAR was deployed on 48 operations.

Approximately 2 400 men served with the Seventh. Of these thirty three were killed and 220 were recorded as being wounded.

7RAR was eventually linked with 5/7RAR in December 1973. The colours were laid up at the Soldiers Chapel at Kapooka, NSW.

On the 3rd Of December, 2006, 7RAR was reformed with the de-linking of 5/7RAR at Robertson Barracks, Darwin. The colours have been recovered from Kapooka, NSW, where they had been laid up and were marched on at a parade in Darwin to commemorate the event.

During the period 2007 to 2010, 7RAR deployed two company groups to Afghanistan and Iraq respectively. During 2008/2009, 7RAR led the Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force in Afghanistan. 7RAR has also contributed platoon size groups and numerous individual deployments to various theatres of operations since it was re-raised.  In late 2010 7RAR relocated from Robertson Barracks in Palmerston NT to Horseshoe Barracks in Edinburgh  SA.

On 10 September, 2011, 7RAR was presented with new Queen’s and Regimental Colours by Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce, AC,  the Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia.

These pages are about these men. It honours their service and their lives.

This is their story…………………………..

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