July 27, 2024


5 thoughts on “Rolls

    1. Hello Caroline

      Last week, I saw your post on the 7RAR website about the death of your neighbour, Russell Jones.

      Russell was my first husband (1970s) and the father of my daughter. Despite us all being estranged for many many years, she was shocked and saddened to hear of his death.

      We know he is buried at Lilydale Memorial Cemetery and we are hoping that he didn’t pass alone. Are you able to fill me in how he was before his death?

      Many thanks

  1. Hi John you maybe don’t remember me we met in Holsworthy when 7RAR was forming up for the second tour.
    You knew Bruce Read who did training at Ingleburn before going to Officer school, I think you are the same bloke.
    I am living in Vietnam with my family,(Viet) over here, your name came up in conversation.
    My full name is Darrell Raymond O’Keeffe. cheers AKA Hookey,

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