January 14, 2025


Members who have died since Vietnam



214829 1944 WO2 ROY EDWIN ABNETT 01-Jul-08 1st
38823 1947 ~ PETER WAYNE AITKEN 23-May-12 1st
4720261 1948 CPL ALLAN ALDENHOVEN 17-Feb-79 2nd
15229 1937 WO RONALD DAVID ALLAN, DCM 21-Nov-12 Both
1731270 1949 PTE DENIS JOHN ALDIS 19-Jun-05 2nd
2782383 1945 PTE ALLAN JOHN ANDERSON 11-Feb-92 1st
5714235 1945 ~ RONALD JAMES ANDERTON 17-Jan-19 1st
2791410 1947 CPL ROBERT JOHN ANDREWS 06-Dec-94 2nd
216366 1948 CPL WAYNE GEOFFREY ANTHES 29-Mar-10 1st
4718417 1946 PTE HILBERTUS BAAYNES 14-Jun-04 1st
5288 1922 WO1 REGINALD AMOS BANDY 06-May-17 2nd
2783575 1945 PTE COLIN ELDRED BARNETT 26-Jun-95 1st
39110 1949   JOHN ROMEO BARRY 17-May-20 Both
1200839 1941 CPL DENIS FRANCIS BATHERSBY 05-Sep-09 Both
16275 1941 ~ JAMES RAMSEY BATY 12-Apr-99 1st
3789661 1945 ~ JOHN JAMES BEEVIS 30-dEC-20 1st
3788600 1945 PTE MICHAEL JOHN BERRIGAN 10-Jul-05 1st
1201969 1947 PTE RAYMOND JOHN BIGBY 18-Jun-05 2nd
52765 1934 Maj KENNETH JOHN BLADEN 22-Feb-19 1st
19976 1941 ~ JOHN WILLIAM BOBONGIE 06-Jun-70 1st
42654 1942 SGT BARRY JOHN BOSLEY 03-Oct-74 1st
215548 1944 WO2 WARREN HERBERT BRADD 19-Aug-16 1st
1732933 1946 ~ ALLAN ROBERT BRIDGE 3-Jan-00 1st
2239803 1949 WO2 STEPHEN PAUL BRINKWORTH 23-Jan-20 2nd
34629 1924 WO2 GEORGE WALLACE BROWN 06-Apr-95 1st
3787346 1945 LCPL ROBERT LACY BROOKES 12-May-17 1st
18482 1945 SGT ARTHUR GEORGE BUTLER 23-Feb-08 Both
61275 1934 ~ GRAHAME CHARLES BURBURY 11-Feb-02 1st
61876 1948 LCPL RONALD DERYCK BURGE 14-Nov-83 2nd
2793066 1948 SGT ROSS HARRY BURTON-BRADLEY 21-Mar-79 2nd
37135 1944 ~ ROBIN EDWARD BUTLER 16-Feb-70 1st
213378 1942   HAROLD   BUTTERWORTH 25-Nov-18 1st
220270 1948 ~ STEPHEN DENNIS BYRNE 05-Oct-97 2nd
210543 1929 ~ JOHN CAIN 20-Jun-05 2nd
2144 1049 ~ OWEN NEIL CAIRNES 22-Jun-05 2nd
36753 1932 SGT ALLAN HENRY CLARK 25-Dec-95 2nd
42748 1926 LCPL THOMAS JOHN CLARKE 07-Sep-90 1st
44711 1950 PTE PHILLIP HAROLD CLAYTON 10-Jun-05 2nd
216239 1940 SGT ARTHUR WILLIAM CLEMENT 07-Dec-88 1st
214497 1942 WO1 ROBERT NORMAN CLINGHAN 09-Oct-19 1st
2793872 1949 PTE JOHN LEONARD COLES 30-Jun-91 2nd
6709215 1948 ~ MICHAEL PATRICK CONNORS 28-Jul-99 2nd
2792301 1948 ~ ALLISTER BAILLIE COUPER 06-Oct-05 2nd
2412522 1946 PTE JOHN MORTON COWAN 15-Dec-97 1st
3787532 1945   DOUGLAS GEORGE COWEN 01-Sep-18 1st
311383 1937 WO2 THOMAS HENRY CRAIG 03-Jul-18 Both
2784738 1945 PTE LANCE RICHARD CROTTY 01-May-06 1st
311383 1937 WO2 THOMAS HENRY CRAIG 03-Jul-18 Both
3787966 1945 PTE BRIAN JAMES CRUIKSHANK 19-Oct-70 1st
4410621 1943 WO2 DAVID WARREN CRUSE 01-Sep-96 2nd
3789109 1945 ~ DOUGLAS RICHARD CURRAN 05-May-18 1ST
5714060 1945   ROBERT RONALD DARE 01-Jun-19 1st
2785152 1946 PTE JOHN SAMUEL DAVIES 16-Aug-95 1st
61745 1932 WO BARRY VIVIAN DE BOMFORD 19-Jul-18 Both
3789148 1945 LCPL PAUL JOHN DEIMOS 28-Sep-89 1st
55731 1950 ~ TERRY JAMES DILLON 03-Aug-85 2nd
3411710 1947 PTE BRIAN DOCTOR 14-Oct-89 1st
3411846 1933 SGT DENNIS DONOVAN 21-Aug-95 1st
3788618 1945 PTE KEITH DOWNARD, MM 29-Nov-01 1st
5716643 1948 ~ JOHN GREGORY DORRINGTON 01-Mar-21 2nd
55753 1949 CPL JOHN NICHOLAS DUNCAN 27-Mar-80 2nd
2791520 1947 PTE HENRY JOHN DYNARZEWSKI 25-Aug-14 2nd
6708662 1946 PTE TONY MAXWELL EDWARDS 11-Jun-05 1st
27050 1930 ~ FRANK ELLIOTT 26-Mar-81 1st
3411939 1948 PTE ALLAN GEOFREY EMMETT 13-Apr-19 1st
397717 1942   GRAHAM KELVIN ENEVER 28-Jan-05 1st
14964 1939 WO1 RONALD JOHN FARLEY 01-Sep-18 2nd
3788730 1945   JAMES DAVID FEENEY 21-Aug-14 1st
56149 1950 PTE TREVOR NEIL FORBES 14-Aug-95 2nd
378787 1945 PTE RAYMOND LEONARD FRASER 14-Aug-95 1st
3796940 1948 PTE KEVIN JAMES FRAWLEY 16-Jun-06 2nd
38975 1948 PTE MALCOLM GRAEME FRENCH 02-Apr-96 1st
61663 1948 LCPL RICHARD BRUCE GARDNER 06-May-79 1st
235054 1932 Brig ALFRED BARRETT GARLAND 09-Mar-02 1st
16808 1939 Sgt SABATINO (Sam) GIACOMANTONIO 05-Feb-23 1st
57089 1946 ~ PETER DOUGLAS GIBBONS 28-Jun-10 2nd
218450 1944 ~ ARTHUR JOHN GIBSON 15-Jul-72 2nd
6709494 1948 PTE JOSEPH GILEWICZ 16-Jul-91 2nd
2133038 1949 ~ NOEL JOHN GODBOLD 12-Oct-84 2nd
38798 1941 ~ ROBERT ALAN GRAY 14-Oct-83 1st
18675 1943 CPL DONALD GRAY 02-Nov-83 2nd
373635     ROBERT JOHN GREALY 30-Jun-05 2nd
216922 1941   JOHN VINCENT GRELCK 03-Feb-11 1st
36519 1937 WO2 ALAN ALFRED GUNSON 25-Jul-02 1st
? ? ~ MICHAEL HAGEN 07-Jan-16 1st
5773 ~ ~ MALCOM KEITH HALLS 17-Nov-98 Both
48018 ~ CPL JOHN LEO HANLEY 02-Jul-94 2nd
220085 1950 ~ KEVIN HARRIS 12-Jan-16 2nd
27863621 ~ ~ KENNETH WILLIAM HARROLD 15-Mar-08 2nd
2794054 1949 ~ JOHN STEVEN HARVEY 26-Feb-20 2nd
214154 1930 ~ JAMES LESLIE HEAD 10-Jan-93 1st
44958 1950 ~ ERIC ELMAR HELD 01-Aug-71 2nd
2786210 1946 PTE GORDON STEWART HENDERSON 07-Apr-11 1st
313857 1950 ~ TERRENCE JOHN HOBBS 26-Dec-06 2nd
216288 1946 CPL DONALD GEORGE HENDERSON 01-Feb-80 1st
2790423 ~ ~ ROYCE CHARLES HODGE 21-Oct-00 2nd
2785830 1945 PTE JOHN JAMES HOOK 03-Feb-91 1st
54789 1946 CPL PETER JOHN HOPE 21-Dec-07 1st
214001 1942 SGT ROBERT JOHN HORDER 31-Jul-10 2nd
4718587 1946 SGT ANTHONY JOHN HUGHES 08-Aug-11 Both
28029 1928 WO2 ALLAN FREDERICK HUGHES 02-Sep-95 1st
6709145 1948 PTE GEOFFREY  HUGHES 7-Jun-04 2nd
1411167 1945 PTE JOHN RICHARD HULIN 10-Jun-05 1st
2782585 1945 PTE DAVID EDWARD IMLACH 19-Apr-91 1st
3171432 1942 LT OWEN DOUGLAS INMAN 04-Sep-18 1st
311340 1937 WO2 EDWARD WRIGHT ISAAC 03-Jul-18 1st
2412360 1945 PTE DAVID ROSS JACK 29-Feb-12 1st
39168 1948 CPL HAROLD THOMAS JACOBSON 25-Jan-07 1st
42764 1944 PTE IAN WALTER JOHNSTON 31-Aug-71 2nd
2784891 1945 PTE JUSTIN PHILLIP JORDAN 6-Jun-08 1st
2785417 1946 ~ PETER WILLIAM KEAT 01-Sep-99 1st
56257 ~ ~ PETER RAYMOND KEILLOR 15-Jun-05 2nd
218327 1933 PTE JOHN RICHARD KENNEDY 23-May-18 2nd
312996 ~ ~ EDWARD KELLY 28-Aug-99 2nd
1200947 1937 LCPL KENNETH JAMES KELLY 02-May-11 Both
5714923 1946 PTE RAYMOND  KICKETT 13-Jan-94 1st
61766 1947 COL DAVID  KIBBEY 24-Dec-21 2nd
3797386 1950 ~ SYDNEY ARTHUR KIELY 09-May-07 2nd
3790676 1946 PTE BRUCE GERALD KILPATRICK 17-Oct-95 1st
3789297 1945 ~ GEORGE EDWARD KING 24-Mar-14 1st
2782414 1945 ~ KEITH KING 02-Jan-16 1st
218848 ~ ~ STEPHEN AUBREY KING 16-Nov-00 2nd
2794231 1948 PTE KLAUS DIETER KNOP 28-Sep-82 2nd
5714705 ~ ~ GORDON JENNINGS 3-Oct-03 1st
1735519 1949 PTE JOHN PETER LAFFEY 01-Mar-16 2nd
2792182 ~ ~ JOHN WILLIAM LAING 27-Aug-04 2nd
1200879 1944 SGT DONALD FLINT LAMB21-Jul-99   1st
55822 1947 PTE IAN DOUGLAS LANKESTER 03-Jul-14 2nd
2793787 1949 PTE KENNETH FRANCIS LAW 21-Dec-90 2nd
19954 1939 WO1 BARRY RUBEN LAURENCESON 15-Feb-09 Both
1969 1922 ~ MERVYN DOUGLAS LEE 02-Oct-73 1st
1731462 1945 PTE DESMOND WALTER LEESON 29-Nov-19 1st
36792 1940 ~ ADRIAN ERIC LITTLEHALES 14-Jun-85 1st
3795353 1948 PTE DAVID GREGORY LUKE 28-Oct-90 2nd
3788441 1945 PTE JOHN JOSEPH LYNCH 25-Jun-19 1st
2184935 1944 CPL IAN FRANCIS MACARTHUR 19-Jan-79 2nd
34835 ~ ~ JAMES LAWRENCE MAHONEY 13-Sep-98 1st
2782252 1945   JOSEPH MAIURANO 26-Nov-18 1st
2782761 ~ LTCOL ROBERT GEORGE MARTIN 9-Oct-02 1st
4718625 1946 ~ LEON MARTYNIUK 13-Aug-78 1st
61271 ~ COL ANDREW IVAN MATTAY 26-Jun-05 2nd
217336 1930 CPL LEONARD JAMES MATTHEWS 10-Jul-78 1st
3112621 ~ ~ JOSEPH ARTHUR MAYFIELD 29-Sep-02 1st
313258 1944 ~ JOHN EDWARD MCCABE 09-Feb-15 2nd
2786393 1946 ~ GRAHAM JOHN MCCLYMONT 18-Dec-74 1st
2794016 ~ ~ TERRANCE  MCDONALD 01-Apr-01 2nd
47049 ~ Brig PETER LEON McGUINNESS 25-Jun-05 1st
2783129 1945 CPL KEVIN MCGUIRK 02-Jun-05 1st
3789336 ~ ~ BRIAN DANIEL MCKENNA 24-Jan-03 1st
3791223 1949 PTE RICHARD JOHN McNAIR 30-May-00 2nd
3787699 ~ ~ ANTHONY MCTIGHE 07-Sep-01 1st
17563 1932 Col DESMOND JOSEPH MEALEY 17-Jun-11 1st
219370 1950 ~ PERCIVAL JAMES MEREDITH 29-Nov-13 2nd
3795039 1947 PTE JOSEPHUS HENRY MERTENS 16-Jul-13 2nd
6708356 1945 PTE KEVIN ARTHUR MIDSON 01-Jul-89 1st
218413 1948 PTE GEORGE MILIVOJEVIC 25-Oct-94 2nd
214994 1944 WO CLIVE COLEMAN MILLEN 02-Feb-15 2nd
2785109 1946 ~ IAN ALEXANDER MILLS 20-Oct-72 1st
2794514 1949 PTE GRAEME MISSINGHAM 14-Oct-76 2nd
1731416 1942 PTE PHILLIP JUDE MINNIECON 02-02-2022 1st
5714954 1946 PTE GLEN KENNETH MOORE 10-MAR-21 1st
1110882 1945   JAMES PATRICK MOLONY 13-Feb-09 1st
1731823 1946 ~ ARTHUR NICHOLAS MURRAY 06-Jun-73 1st
215069 1945 CPL PETER JAMES MUSSON 26-Oct-16 1st
11448 1946 WO2 DANIEL JOHN NEVILLE 10-Mar-81 2nd
217162 1946 ~ DUNCAN CHARLES NEWMAN 15-Jan-06 1st
1404 1927 CAPT CLIFFORD JOHN NORD 10-Oct-79 2nd
2412437 1948 PTE RICHARD LESLIE NORDEN 30-Oct-72 1st
3788633 1945 PTE ANTHONY PAUL NORRIS 18-Apr-14 1st
3411880 1943 PTE PETER ANTHONY O’BRIEN 30-Jul-94 1st
23860 1927 MAJ ROBERT ARTHUR O’BRIEN 01-Jul-89 2nd
3790459 1946 ~ BARRY JAMES O’DEA 23-Sep-74 1st
3789405 1945 PTE PETER JOSEPH O’FARRELL 14-Nov-86 1st
3411950 1947 ~ RODNEY ALAN OWENS 23-Apr-73 1st
3789405 1945 PTE PETER JOSEPH O’FLARREL 14-Nov-86 1st
16293 1942 SGT GRAHAM DAVID PASHLEY 01-Oct-16 1st
39799 1949 PTE CHRISTOPHER  PATENA 07-Jun-79 2nd
3798121 1950 ~ RAYMOND GEORGE PAUWELS 11-Mar-82 2nd
571438 ~ ~ NOEL PEVERETT 03-May-99 1st
2792670 ~ ~ GEOFFREY  PLOWES 04-Jan-00 2nd
37896067     JOHN ALFRED POLAND 09-Nov-20 1st
2792287 1945 CAPT ROBERT KEITH PORTER 07-Jan-11 2nd
16410 1934 CPL PETER REX POWELL 23-Nov-88 1st
255281 1950 PTE ANTHONY PHILLIP PRATT 18-Jun-05 2nd
219601 1950 PTE STEVEN CLARENCE PRESTWIDGE 01-Jan-11 2nd
2412434 ~ ~ RICHARD DAVID QUIRK 23-Jun-05 1st
2791806 1948 PTE PETER NORMAN RASTALL 04-Jan-12 2nd
44038 1945 PTE CHRISTOPHER  REINERSTEN 27-May-91 1st
38439 ~ ~ NOEL LAWRENCE REEVES 18-Sep-99 1st
3175885 1949 WO2 PETER LLOYD ROKAY 01-Mar-92 2nd
3788064 ~ ~ BARRY DOUGLAS ROSE 14-Aug-10 1st
38137 1944 WO COLIN ROWLEY 01-Jan-18 Both
4718612 ~ ~ PAUL ANTHONY RYAN 28-Dec-98 1st
313245 1950 ~ DARYL JOHN ROSS 14-Jul-71 2nd
38082 1937 ~ RODNEY SALTER 16-Oct-14 1st
5716128 1948 ~ JOHN SALMOND 04-Nov-15 2nd
13588 1934 WO2 RONALD WHITNEY SAWERS 15-Jun-95 1st
3787485 1945 PTE ROBERT WILLIAM SCHAECHE 01-Feb-95 1st
4720644 1947 PTE ROSS ANDREW SCHAEFER 15-May-91 2nd
37596 1947 CPL GRAHAM THOMAS SCHAFFER 26-Apr-03 1st
38649 1947 CPL TERENCE RONALD SCOTT 18-Oct-71 1st
37899525 1945 PTE JOHN PATRICK SARGENT 06-Sep-03 1st
213438 ~ WO2 JOHN FRANCIS SEXTON 18-Aug-05 Both
2785822 1945 ~ GRAHAM MICHAEL SHEPHARD 30-Jun-88 1st
210273 1923 WO1 JAMES PATRICK SHEDDICK ~ 1st
217046 1938 CPL ROBERT CHARLES SHIPTON ??Mar13 Both
215140 ~ ~ JAMES MICHAEL SHREEVE 28-Jun-01 1st
33889 1934 ~ RONALD FRANCIS SIGG 31-Jan-03 Both
43565 1947 CPL STEPHEN NEIL SMITH 31-Jan-11 2nd
2389 1925 Col ERIC HAROLD SMITH 09-Feb-17 CO 1st
1731851 1945 PTE DAVID JOHN SPARKES 06-Oct-91 1st
213726 1 ~ ~ NORMAN ALFRED SPRUCE 25-Aug-07 1st
3789491 1945 PTE IAN SOMERVILLE STAMP 27-Dec-94 1st
3788867 1945 PTE MAXWELL CHARLES STORY 01-May-18 1st
5717226 1948 PTE STANISLAW LISOWSKI 10-Feb-16 2nd
5714410 1945 ~ PETER WILLIAM STEIN 24-Mar-81 1st
36505 1940 ~ LOUIS PHILLIP STEPHENS 12-Mar-98 1st
38972 1947 PTE ROBERT  STODDART 26-Sep-81 1st
4720457 1947 PTE ROBERT NORMAN STRACHAN 12-Feb-09 2nd
311323 1931 WO2 ALEXANDER  SUTHERLAND, DCM 19-Feb-91 1st
532154 1932 CAPT KEITH PATRICK TEEFEY 11-May-18 2nd
6708614 1945 ~ WILLIAM HENRY TEMPLE 9-Jan-10 1st
1411215 1946 PTE JEFFREY LEONARD THOMAS 20-Oct-19 1st
1200869 1947 MAJ WILLIAM GEORGE THOMAS 27-Aug-95 1st
4720142 1946 PTE COLIN TILMOUTH 01-Jun-90 2nd
38611 1934 MAJ COLIN NORMAN TITMARSH 08-Oct-07 1st
156346 1943 PTE ROY VALENTINE TIPPO 20-Dec-90 2nd
378953 ~ ~ DAVID JOSEPH TOMPKINS 27-Mar-99 1st
27885571 1945 PTE CLIVE DEREK TUCKER 05-Nov-95 1st
4411017 1947   PETER GEORGE VERRAL 25-Oct-19 1st
219997 1947 ~ PAUL ARTHUR VICKERS 03-Aug-71 2nd
55718 1948 ~ RONALD EDWARD WALL 18-Oct-04 2nd
5715028 ~ ~ BRIAN ROGER WALTON 18-Oct-04 1st
5716927 ~ ~ DONALD MALCOM WANN 17-Feb-04 2nd
29067 1935 MAJ GREGORY PATRICK WARLAND 13-Mar-93 2nd
312770 1947 ~ DENNIS JAMES WARREN 16-May-83 2nd
6709406 1948 PTE BRIAN SCOTT WEBB 15-Dec-80 2nd
16738 1932 SGT PAUL FRANCIS WEEDMAN 15-Mar-86 1st
2782475 ~ ~ RONALD CHARLES WELSH 21-Nov-01 1st
6708629 ~ ~ ANTHONY PETER WESSING 23-Jun-05 1st
1410720 1940 SSGT STEPHEN ALLAN WEST 24-Aug-14 1st
216956 1940 SGT DAVID LEONARD WILLIS, BEM 01-Jul-19 Both
2793669 1949 PTE DARYL JOHN WHITE 03-May-81 2nd
31133 1930 LCPL THOMAS WILKINSON 29-Sep-90 1st
3788319 1945 ~ DAVID ROBIN WILLIAMS 25-Apr-83 1st
214815 1942 SGT RICHARD ERNEST WILLIAMS 24-Nov-73 1st
3789567 1945 PTE~ KENNETH JOHN WOOD 19-May-19 1st
213997 ~ ~ PAUL ARTHUR WOODCOCK 17-Dec-88 1st
3789597 1945 PTE DAVID ROSS YOUNG 04-Oct-96 1st
6709478 1947 PTE JOHN EDWARD YOUNG 28-Jan-11 2nd


732933 BRIDGE PTE  DOD 03/01/2000


2239803 BRINKWORTH WO2 DOD 23/01/2020


2412522 COWAN PTE DOD 15/12/1997


5773 HALLS SGT DOD 17/11/1998


2790423 HODGE PTE DOD 21/10/2000


6709415 HUGHES PTE DOD 7/06/2004


2412360 JACK PTE DOD 29/02/2012


2784891 JORDAN PTE DOD 6/07/2008


312996 KELLY PTE DOD 28/08/1999


5714705 JENNINGS PTE DOD 3/10/2003


1200879 LAMB SGT DOD 21/07/1999


2782761 MARTIN LT COL DOD 9/10/2002


11448 NEVILLE WO2 DOD 10/03/1981


38972 STODDART PTE DOD 26/09/1981


6708614 TEMPLE PTE DOD 9/01/2010


44 thoughts on “Vale

  1. hi my name is leanne and my father was john richard hulin just wanting to know more information about vietnam so i may b able to get in contact with people who may have new him 

  2. Dear Sir my Uncle Brian Doctor(doc) 1st tour 67-68,Army number 3411710 passed a few years back just for your records. The site is a great help  thanks to all involved with it.
    Jim McGuire

      1. Hi Peter Stapelton, my apologies i never picked up your comment in back 14 when i reported my Uncle Brians death or i would have contacted you sooner. please drop me a line if you get this.

        Jim McGuire

  3. hi guys,
    Just a note ,Dad,.robert charles shipton 217046,217048 died in march last year 2013
    kind regards
    Dan Shipton

  4. Hello, I am the sister of Raymond Reginald Kickett who was in Vietnam with 7RAR. I would like some photos of him in Vietnam and to hear from anyone who served with him. He has now passed but I don’t have any pictures of him in Army greens and would love to get some. I miss him very much, he was special.

    1. Hello, Raymond Reginald Kickett was my uncle and i would like to see photos of him during his time with 7RAR if possible, or even to hear or read any information relating to his service.

    2. Diana,

      I served with Ray both prior to & in Vietnam Ray went to 7RAR & I went to 2RAR
      I have started a search for a picture of Ray & myself taken on pre embarkation leave in 1967
      If I can find the picture would you like a copy ??

  5. Deeply saddened at the passing of a good comrade and mate, Jim Feeney – 9 Platoon, 1st Tour Vietnam – 21/8/2014.
    You are sadly missed old mate!

    1. I was in 5 Platoon with Chris – I can put you in contact with people who may know him better than I did.

      Bernie Cox

      1. Hi Bernie
        Thx for your response
        Would be great if you could put me in contact with anybody who knew Chris patena
        Kind regards

  6. 2412393 Jeffrey George Johnston of the !st Tour was the brother of a very good friend of mine and I know that he died years ago. Cheers Rev Robertson

  7. G’day Kev have noticed that two names are missing from your list, (a) Ron Allen (b) Col Titmarsh.
    Do you need more info I could possibly help if needed?.

  8. I noticed my brothers name does not appear on your vale list; his name is Ian Walter Johnston s/n 42764 and was a member of 7 RAR I think from around the time of his, 2nd tour of Vietnam which was from 10/02/70 to 8/10/70. Some of your older members who were around then may remember a single vehicle MV accident on the road into Kapooka on 31/08/1971 in which he was driving a GTHO Falcon at very high speed and was killed as a consequence. I would love to hear from any of those that served with Ian, (‘Johnno’ to his mates). I think he was still a sergeant at the time he died.

    1. Andy,
      Sorry about Ian not being on the Vale list but I simply didn’t know. A lot of the entries are made because of people like yourself leaving a comment so thanks.
      All fixed now

    2. Hello Andy, thanks for the information regarding your brother. I am doing some research on 7RAR and had great trouble matching your brother’s DVA Nominal Roll entry to the 7RAR War Diaries where he is shown as the Transport Sergeant for the Battalion. The DVA Nominal Roll shows him as a member of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps and only a Lance Corporal. I suggest you go to the DVA site and give them some feedback to get the entry corrected. The entry should reflect his last rank held in Vietnam and the Corps he was in at the time. The DVA record reads as follows: Veteran Details
      Name JOHNSTON, Ian Walter
      Service Australian Army
      Service Number 42764
      Date of Birth 12 Apr 1944
      Place of Birth ADELAIDE SA AUSTRALIA
      Rank Lance-Corporal
      National Service No
      Corps Royal Australian Armoured Corps
      Honours None for display
      Unit History
      Unit Name
      Start Date
      End Date
      1 Troop, A Squadron, 4th/19th Prince of Wales’ Light Horse
      27 May 1965
      30 Jun 1965
      Australian Logistics Support Company
      27 May 1965
      26 Sep 1965
      7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
      10 Feb 1970
      08 Oct 1970

  9. Hi,I served 1st tour and I’v just found this site and noticed that Aurthur Langslow is not on the Vale,Aurthur was killed in a road acccident whilst returning from WA.He was from Castlemain Victoria.

    Peter John Kelly

  10. Hi
    Thanks for the site. My brother James Michael Shreeve appears in your list of members who have passed. Just to complete his entry he died on June 28, 2001. He appeared on the cover of the Sydney Morning Herald boarding a plane for Vietnam. I can’t find the picture in SMH archives and wonder if you know 0f a resource that I could search for it.

    Very proud of all of you


  11. Hello. Just wondering if anyone remembers my dad from Vietnam. Name was Ian Somerville Stamp. He passed away in 1994 & would never talk about his time there. Carolyn

    1. Hello Carolyn,

      A bit of info for you re your dad; he was 3789491 Pte I A Stamp and served with 7RAR on its first tour of South Vietnam.
      I suggest you try and contact some of the RAR veterans from the various battalions via a local RSL sub branch, to spread the word that you seek info on your father, a 7 RAR soldier. Perhaps the AWM could help, as it is possible to obtain a Certificate of Service via their website.
      Jim Johnstone 2nd Tour Veteran

  12. Just to let you know that another member of 7RAR passed away on Tuesday morning (4 Sep 2018) – Owen Inman (3171432).

  13. Just a couple more names I can’t find. Edward (Jock) Isacks Passed 2018, and peter Stanzac 7 pl C coy 2nd KIA

  14. G’day, Just letting you know that MajGen David Drabsch, AO, MBE, passed away on 28 Jan 21 in Buderim QLD. I am told David was 2IC 7 RAR April to November 1967. The funeral is on Thursday 11 Feb 21, at 1500 at Gregson and Weight Chapel, 139-159 Wises Road, Buderim – In lieu of flowers any donations to Mates4Mates.

  15. 2 Lt Brendan Obrien appears to be missing from the list. Brendan was one of the first National Service officers to graduate and spent his whole service with 7 Bn, incl most of the first tour. Returned to Australia and returned to Uni, working nights at Tullamarine to pay for it. Apparently fell asleep on the way to work one night and died as a result of the crash.

  16. Hello, my grandfather Keith John Williams 215551 passed away on the 2/11/2020, he went toVietnam .
    Vietnam (Army Component)
    12 Dec 1966-13 Jul 1967
    1 ATF Detachment, 5th Australian Services Canteen Organisation
    14 Jul 1967-15 Jan 1968
    Detachment, 5th Australian Services Canteen Organisation
    27 Aug 1970-26 Aug 1971

    I would love to get In touch with anyone who served with him and photos etc.

    1. 1. I’m only one man
      2. Sometimes I’m out of the loop for medical reasons
      3. I can only enter names when I’m told about them dying
      4. Who were you looking for
      5. Want to volunteer your time and expertise to help keep it “up to date”?

  17. Hi, I am wondering if anyone has any information on Private Anthony ‘Tony’ Blake?
    Also, I put Anthony’s Service number into the DVA’s Nominal Rolls, however it shows results for Rodney William Beer, who seems to also have the same service Number?

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