February 8, 2025

Afghanistan Awards

Distinguished Service  Cross


Lieutenant Colonel Shane Leslie GABRIEL, NT For distinguished command and leadership in action while Commanding Officer, Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force 1 in Afghanistan from October 2008 to June 2009.


Lieutenant Colonel Gabriel commanded Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force 1 to achieve exceptional results in a demanding combat environment. His understanding and analysis of mentoring and partnering, his innovative approach, superior organisational skills, and considered and methodical execution of his mission, saw the skills and leadership in the Afghan National Army 2nd Kandak Battalion improve exponentially and his approach heralded as the ‘model’ by the Commander of the International Security Assistance Force.


Medal for Gallantry (MG)


Warrant Officer Class Two John Matthew (Matt) LINES, Vic For gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances while acting as an Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team member at Kakarak, Afghanistan on 4 January 2009.



While in contact with numerically superior enemy forces and under sustained fire, Warrant Officer (then Sergeant) Lines acted with total disregard for his personal safety to neutralise the assaulting elements and suppress flanking forces. His courageous and gallant actions, and the direction and encouragement he gave to the Afghan National Army soldiers he was accompanying, were instrumental in regaining the initiative from the enemy, were an inspiration to all soldiers in his vicinity, and enabled successful completion of the mission.


Corporal Giancarlos Brasil TARABORRELLI, NT For gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances while an Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team member at Kakarak, Afghanistan on 16 March 2009.


While in contact with a numerically superior enemy force and under sustained fire, Corporal (then Lance Corporal) Taraborrelli secured a compound and suppressed enemy flanking forces facilitating the recovery of a seriously wounded Australian soldier and the withdrawal of his patrol. With total disregard for his personal safety, Corporal Taraborrelli directed and inspired the Afghan National Army soldiers he was mentoring.


Private David William COX, NT For gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances while a rifleman and combat first aider in Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force 1 at Kakarak, Afghanistan on 16 March 2009.


Private Cox operated as a combat first aider in action against enemy forces. While under heavy fire and with total disregard to his personal safety, he moved across open ground to render first aid to a wounded soldier and evacuate the casualty to an area of relative safety where he provided further emergency treatment.


Distinguished Service Medal


Major David William McCAMMON, NT For distinguished leadership in action while Officer Commanding the Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team, Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force 1 from October 2008 to June 2009.


Major McCammon commanded the initial Australian Army Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team on active service in Afghanistan. The team, developed the operational capability of their assigned Afghan battalion, and was often involved in high tempo offensive and security operations in arduous conditions, against a difficult and dangerous enemy. Major McCammon’s detailed preparation of the team and his inspirational leadership, active presence and constant encouragement ensured they were highly successful.


Captain Paul William GRAHAM, NT For distinguished leadership in action as Officer Commanding Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team 1 on Cemetery Hill West, Chora, Afghanistan between 23 and 25 November 2008.


With his combined Australian and Afghan patrol heavily engaged by small-arms and rocket fire from a large and well coordinated insurgent force, Captain Graham, through strong leadership, highly effective tactical command and personal example consolidated his patrol and immediately launched a counter attack. His patrol recaptured the high ground and went on to successfully achieve their original mission. Captain Graham’s leadership and personal example were an inspiration to his troops.


Lieutenant Jacob Alexander KLEINMAN, NT For distinguished leadership in action as Officer Commanding Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team 3 in Kakarak, Afghanistan on 16 and 18 March 2009.


On the 16 March 2009 Lieutenant Kleinman led a combined Australian and Afghan patrol which was engaged by a numerically superior enemy force. Lieutenant Kleinman provided exemplary leadership and direction, including the control of suppressive fire and coordination of close air support, to extricate an Australian casualty and securely withdraw his patrol. On 18 March, during a similar incident, Lieutenant Kleinman’s expert assessment and clear direction to the patrol was again critical to success.


Warrant Officer Class Two Adam John WEST, ACT For distinguished leadership in action as a platoon mentor on Operation SLIPPER with Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force 1 in southern Afghanistan.


Warrant Officer (then Sergeant) West, as a member of a joint Afghan and Australian patrol, was engaged on two separate occasions with significant automatic small arms and rocketpropelled grenade fire by insurgent fighters. On both occasions Warrant Officer West’s professionalism, courage and leadership were instrumental in his patrols’ regaining the initiative and successfully concluding their engagements.


Conspicuous Service Medal (CSM)


Corporal Simon Lawrence MAJEWSKI, NT For meritorious achievement as a Section Commander and Acting Platoon Sergeant within the 7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment and in the development, training and deployment of the first Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team.


Corporal Majewski’s outstanding service as the Acting Platoon Sergeant in training and preparing an Infantry Rifle Platoon and members of the Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team for deployment on operations has been outstanding. Through superior leadership and his operational experience Corporal Majewski prepared his soldiers for operational success. Through his selfless dedication and inspirational example he made a major contribution to the newly formed 7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment and the Australian Army.


Commendation for Gallantry


Corporal Bernard Ronald RYAN, NT For gallantry in action while an advanced medical technician in the Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team at Kwajeh Ahmed, Afghanistan on 24 March 2009.


Corporal Ryan, despite being seriously injured by an improvised explosive device and while under enemy fire, acted selflessly and highly professionally by issuing instructions to others and moving himself under great pain to administer life saving first aid to two soldiers who were very seriously injured by the explosion. After he had treated the other injured soldiers he treated his own wounds and continued to monitor and provide sound advice on the casualties.


Corporal Scott Philip TAMPALINI, NT For gallantry in action while an Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team member in Afghanistan at Chora 19 December 2008, Kakarak 16 March 2009 and Sorkh Morgarb 18 March 2009.


Corporal (then Lance Corporal) Tampalini demonstrated courage under fire and initiative on several occasions. On 19 December 2008 while under sporadic enemy fire, he moved quickly to secure a landing site to allow for the air evacuation of a wounded Dutch soldier. On the 16 and 18 March 2009 he deliberately exposed himself to enemy fire on numerous occasions to return fire and allow other members of his patrol to move to safety. His actions were an inspiration to both the Afghan National Army soldiers and his fellow Australians.


Corporal Nathen Fane WEBB, Vic For gallantry in action while a section commander in 2 Platoon, Combat Team TUSK, Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force 1, in the Chora Valley, Afghanistan on 29 December 2008.


Corporal (then Lance Corporal) Webb bravely led his section in action against enemy forces whilst under heavy fire and with total disregard to his personal safety. By the use of targeted aggression he took the initiative from, and consistently reengaged, the enemy. His actions contributed to the platoon inflicting significant casualties on the enemy, safely withdrawing their own casualty and breaking out of encirclement.




Corporal Michael Anthony COLE, NT For meritorious service as the Senior Combat Engineer Mentor for the 4th Kandak Battalion, Afghan National Army in Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force 1 in Uruzgan Province.


Corporal Cole has demonstrated excellent initiative, leadership, interpersonal relations and training skills in developing and mentoring Afghan National Army engineers, including in action on many occasions, and has dramatically increased the current and future capability of the 4th Kandak Battalion. In addition, he was instrumental in implementing significant improvements to the operations of the Trade Training School.


Commendation for Distinguished Service

Lance Corporal Jack Kade McEWAN, WA For distinguished performance of duties in warlike operations while a sniper team leader in Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force 1 in the Chora Valley, Afghanistan on the 23 November 2008.


Lance Corporal McEwan was part of a static observation post in support of an operational mentoring liaison team and Afghan National Army patrol in the Chora Valley where his element came under intense fire and enemy assault. He displayed a keen tactical sense and coordinated fire in order to defend the position and allow withdrawal. His actions resulted in the holding of the position for 45 minutes, drew the attention of a majority of the insurgent fighters away from the patrol which was also in contact, and enabled a successful withdrawal.

Private Thomas Bao-Jin PRICE, NT For distinguished performance of duties in warlike operations as a combat first aider in a mass casualty situation in the south of the Baluchi Valley, Afghanistan on 12 January 2009.

Details not available at the request of Private Price.


United States Army Commendation Medal

MAJ D.W. McCammon DSM (OMLT)
 For exceptionally meritorious achievement while deployed in support of OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM as the Commander of the Australian Operational Mentor Liaison Team, Afghanistan Regional Police Advisory Command-South. Major McCammon made a significant and lasting impact on the security of the Chora District and the operations of Police Mentor Team Crazy Horse. His graciousness and munificent focus on the overall Coalition mission. His performance of duty in a combat zone reflects distinct credit upon himslef, the Afghanistan Regional Security Intergration Command South, the Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan, the United states Central Command, and the Australian Army.


CAPT G.Fallon (OMLT) For exceptionally meritorious achievement while deployed in support of OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM as the Intelligence Officer of the Australian Operational Mentor Liaison Team, Afghanistan Regional Police Advisory Command-South. Our heartfelt congratulations to all from the Association.

1 thought on “Afghanistan Awards

  1. Thank you all for your Service whilst Serving Overseas. You are all performing in the Highest Traditions of The Australian Army. We thank you for your Service

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