October 21, 2024

Major N.R Smethurst

Major Neville Smethurst graduated from the Royal Military College, Duntroon in December 1956 and was allotted to the Royal Australian Infantry.  He saw service in Malaya, Borneo and the Arctic before Joining the 7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment in January, 1969. He arrived in South Vietnam with his battalion in February 1970.

As the Battalion Second-in-Command, Major Smethurst has set a high example of leadership and impeccable performance of duty. His energy, thoroughness and loyalty have earned the respect of all ranks of his Battalion.

On a number of occasions, he has, during the absence of the Commanding Officer, assumed command of the Battalion and shown sound judgement and quick positive action during a number of contacts with the enemy.

Major Smethurst commanded an Infantry Company for a period of three months on continuous operations.  During this period, the company consucted a deliberate attack on a large enemy bunker system in the SOng Rai area.  The planning,command and execution of this operation were faultless, and have been used since as a pattern for similar attacks.

His example and devotion to duty throughout the whole of his tour in South Vietnam reflect great credit upon himself, his Battalion and the Australian Army.

4 thoughts on “Major N.R Smethurst

  1. Hi Neville , Think of you and Maureen all the time . I lived on your farm at Valla you guys are special people hope your both well love Marcelle Hayley and Julia xxx

  2. Dear All,
    I have just received the information below from C.A.M. Roberts

    Dear Charles and Paul,
    Sadly Major-General Neville Smethurst AO, MBE, a former CO SASR (1973-74), passed away this morning in Canberra.


    Charles Stewart
    National Secretariat
    Australian SAS Association
    PO Box 6137
    SWANBOURNE Western Australia 6010
    M: 614 1892 1528
    Website: https://asasa.com.au/

  3. I am not surprised at the accolades attributable to Neville on this website. He was a superb leader of our party at Wilkes Station Antartcica, (note NOT the Arctic) back in 1961, when he took a year’s secondment from the Army.

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