October 21, 2024

2Lt G.R.Wenhowskyj, MC

Military Cross (MC)


Lieutenant George Roman Wenhlowskyj entered the Officer Training Unit, Scheyville in October 1966 and graduated in April 1967. He joined 7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, in September 1968 and arrived in South Vietnam with the Battalion in February 1970.


On 30 December 1970, Lieutenant Wenhlowskyj’s platoon was engaged by a numerically superior enemy force at close range. Lieutenant Wenhlowskyj moved forward alone in the face of heavy enemy fire and rescued two wounded Australian soldiers. He then directed the fire of armed helicopters onto the enemy who were continuing to bring heavy fire on his troops. His calm and skilful directions, given in most hazardous circumstances, resulted in the suppression of the enemy fire by the armed helicopters thus allowing him to evacuate his wounded and eventually forcing the enemy to withdraw.


On 16 January 1971, Lieutenant Wenhlowskyj was in command of a patrol in the enemy base area of the Long Hai Mountains. There was considerable enemy movement in the vicinity of his patrol for a period of over twenty four hours. Remaining undetected in his position he directed artillery fire on known and suspected enemy targets. On the second day he successfully ambushed an enemy party causing heavy casualties. Again the success of the operation depended largely on his judgement and coolness in the face of danger.


Lieutenant Wenhlowskyj’s courage and outstanding leadership qualities reflect great credit on himself. The Royal Australian Regiment and the Australian Army.




Extract from: Vietnam Veterans Honours and Awards by Alexander M Palmer

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