October 16, 2024

Sergeant Roy Savage, MM

213865 Sergeant Roy SAVAGE


Military Medal (MM)





Sergeant Roy Savage enlisted in the Australian Regular Army on 9 February 1961, and served in South Vietnam with 7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment in 1967/68. In February 1970, he returned with his Battalion for a second tour in South Vietnam.



On 25 April 1970, Sergeant Savage was the Commander of a small ambush patrol which contacted an enemy force of at least 50. During the engagement Sergeant Savage coolly directed and controlled the fire of his patrol so that numerous casualties were inflicted on the enemy despite heavy retaliatory rocket and automatic fire by the enemy. At one stage, Sergeant Savage was thrown bodily some distance by the explosion of an enemy rocket but immediately returned and continued calmly to command his patrol. His leadership under fire was an inspiration to his patrol.



During many patrols and actions throughout 1970 Sergeant Savage has shown courage, fine leadership and devotion to duty. His actions reflect great credit on himself, his platoon and The Royal Australian Regiment.



Extract from: Vietnam Veterans Honours and Awards by Alexander M Palmer

2 thoughts on “Sergeant Roy Savage, MM

  1. I was with doc that night,would love to catch up with him or anyone else who was there bill 0407261382

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