July 27, 2024

Sergeant Ronald David ALLAN, DCM

Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM)


Sergeant Ronald David Allan enlisted in the Australian Regular Army on 28 May 1959. After service in Malaya during the Emergency and Borneo during the confrontation he joined 7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment on 29 September 1965 and arrived in South Vietnam with the Battalion in April 1967. On 27 November 1967 during Operation Forrest, D Company attacked a fortified enemy base camp which was occupied by the Chau Duc District Company. During the close combat that followed Sergeant Allan, the Platoon Sergeant of 12 Platoon, gained the initiative over the enemy and with a small party of men seized an enemy occupied bunker from which the Viet Cong were engaging elements of 10 Platoon.


When the company was reorganising the enemy counter attacked using rockets. Seeing the heavy enemy fire had caused casualties in his platoon, Sergeant Allen rushed forward without regard to his personal safety and began dragging the wounded into the comparative safety of a captured bunker. There is little doubt that without Sergeant Allan’s brave actions the mortality rate during this action would have been much higher as the casualties in the open would have been exposed to friendly artillery and mortars. Sergeant Allan assumed command of the platoon when his Platoon Commander was wounded.


On 29 January 1968 during Operation Coburg, D Company contacted the Viet Cong C238 Battalion which was concentrating in a prepared defensive position. During the two and a half hour battle that followed Sergeant Allan frequently displayed outstanding bravery. While the platoon was pinned down by small arms fire, mortars and grenades, Sergeant Allan crawled through the enemy fire into a position where, by observation he could assist with the direction of artillery and armed helicopter strikes. As a result 20mm cannon fire was brought in to within 30 metres of Sergeant Allan’s position and caused heavy enemy casualties.


Over many operations Sergeant Allan has displayed outstanding leadership qualities and gallantry. He has continuously been an excellent leader. Dependable in all situations, calm and daring in emergencies. He has been an inspiration to his platoon and Company and all who have served with him




Extract from: Vietnam Veterans Honours and Awards by Alexander M Palmer

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