July 27, 2024

WO1 R.A.Bandy, MBE

Member British Empire (MBE)

Warrant Officer Reginald Bandy enlisted in the Australian Military Forces in 1941, served in New Guinea, Japan and went to Korea in 1950 with 3RAR. As an acting Platoon Commander he took part in the Battle of Kapyong in April, 1951.  He served in South Vietnam with the Australian Army Training Team in 1963 and 1964.  He joined the 7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment in July 1968 as the Regimental Sergeant Major and arrived with the Battalion in February 1070, for his second tour of duty in South Vietnam.

Warrant Officer Bandy, through the whole of 1970 has set a splendid example of discipline and soldiery conduct by his pride in the profession of arms, by his meticulous attention to details and by the mutual respect and confidence between himself and all ranks of the Battalion

On a number of occasions throughout 1970 he personally led patrols and ambushes against the enemy, each patrol being noted for throuoghness and efficiency.

The personal leadership, high standard of conduct in action and devotion to duty of Warrant Officer Bandy has been an inspiration to all ranks of his battalion and reflect great credit on himself and his Regiment

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